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Showing posts from March, 2020

Senior .Net Developer Interview questions

Senior .Net Developer Interview questions I have listed down some of the common .Net interview questions for Senior developer positions which will be helpful for someone who wants to brush up quickly before interviews. The topics that are covered are below, C#, OOPS, LINQ, ENTITY FRAMEWORK, SQL, .NET, DESIGN PATTERNS, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WCF, WEB API, REST, .NET CORE, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, ADO.NET, ANGULAR, ANGULAR JS, MONGO DB Explain SOLID Design principles in C#? Explain the 12-factor app methodology? Could you explain OWASP top 10 security risks and vulnerabilities? What are extension methods and how to define it? What is Dependency Injection(DI) and tools used for DI? Explain CLR in .Net and its functions? What is a .Net Web Service? What are generics and generic collections in C# and why we use it? What data types are applicable or can be passed in generics? What are dynamic types in C#? Please describe the use case? What is a strong-named assembly in .NET and what is t...