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Senior .Net Developer Interview questions

Senior .Net Developer Interview questions

I have listed down some of the common .Net interview questions for Senior developer positions which will be helpful for someone who wants to brush up quickly before interviews. The topics that are covered are below,


  1. Explain SOLID Design principles in C#?
  2. Explain the 12-factor app methodology?
  3. Could you explain OWASP top 10 security risks and vulnerabilities?
  4. What are extension methods and how to define it?
  5. What is Dependency Injection(DI) and tools used for DI?
  6. Explain CLR in .Net and its functions?
  7. What is a .Net Web Service?
  8. What are generics and generic collections in C# and why we use it? What data types are applicable or can be passed in generics?
  9. What are dynamic types in C#? Please describe the use case?
  10. What is a strong-named assembly in .NET and what is the purpose of it?
  11. What is GAC in .NET?
  12. What is side by side execution in .NET?
  13. Difference between Clustered and Non clustered index in SQL?
  14. Difference between Primary Key and Unique Key in SQL?
  15. Different types of indexes in SQL?
  16. Difference between merge JOIN and UNION in SQL?
  17. What are the different SET operations in SQL?
  18. What are the different RANK operations in SQL?
  19. Explain difference JOINS in SQL?
  20. What is Dynamic SQL technique in SQL?
  21. Difference between stored procedures and functions in SQL?
  22. What are the advantages of using Stored Procedures in SQL?
  23. Different techniques to store temporary data? When to use CTE vs Temp tables?
  24. XML commands in SQL?
  25. Difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
  26. What is the namespace to connect to SQL server database from .NET applications?
  27. How to improve SQL server performance?
  28. What are synonyms in SQL?
  29. What is the purpose of triggers in SQL?
  30. What is normalization and denormalization in SQL?
  31. What is a query plan in SQL?
  32. What is ISOLATION LEVEL in SQL and the different types?
  33. What is data integrity and ACID compliance in SQL?
  34. What are constraints in SQL and types?
  35. How data is stored in SQL server? After an INSERT statement, how data gets stored?
  36. What are different types of pages in SQL? What are Data pages?
  37. Difference between HAVING clause and GROUP BY statement?
  38. Difference between INTERSECT and EXCEPT SQL commands?
  39. Explain the use of OFFSET and FETCH commands in SQL?
  40. What are views in SQL and its benefits?
  41. How does MSIL(Intermediate language) fit into the whole .NET framework architecture?
  42. What do you mean by polymorphism, inheritance and encapsulation?
  43. What is OOP and how does it relate to .NET Framework?
  44. What is the await keyword? Describe a use case and the needed code modifications in order to use it?
  45. How can lazy initialization be accomplished in .NET?
  46. Explain virtual keyword in C#?
  47. What is Yield keyword used for in C#?
  48. Why would you declare a field volatile?
  49. What is Entity Framework and what are the benefits of using it?
  50. What is Reflection in .NET? Please describe a use case and the benefits of using it?
  51. What do we mean when we say that a certain lambda expression forms a closure?
  52. How are anonymous classes instantiated in .NET? Can they be passed as function params?
  53. What is an anonymous method and how its different from lambda expression?
  54. In LINQ, what is the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable interface?
  55. What are the benefits of using the Aggregate method in LINQ?
  56. Is it possible in .NET to extend a class with some extra methods? How?
  57. Name a few Design patterns you know and have used?
  58. Explain Singleton design patterns and different techniques to implement it?
  59. Explain the Command Design pattern and when will you use it?
  60. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface? Can abstract classes have a constructor?
  61. How do you achieve multiple inheritance in C#?
  62. Can an interface have concrete methods?
  63. Explain when to use interface and when to use an abstract class?
  64. What is the difference between a class and an object?
  65. What is a delegate in .NET?
  66. Explain the difference between a stack and a queue?
  67. When should you use .NET web forms overs ASP.NET MVC? Differences?
  68. Difference between managed and unmanaged code?
  69. Difference between read-only and constants in C#?
  70. What will happen if the constructor is explicitly made private?
  71. What is boxing and unboxing in .NET?
  72. What is a .NET framework and how does it work?
  73. Is the JIT an interpreter?
  74. What are a heap and a stack?
  75. Explain memory management in .NET?
  76. What is Garbage collector?
  77. What is deferred and immediate execution in LINQ?
  78. Difference between public and static modifiers?
  79. What is a sealed class?
  80. What are the jagged array and use case?
  81. What is serialization (ISerializable)?
  82. Explain Mutex?
  83. Difference between Override and Overload in a method?
  84. Difference between struct and class?
  85. When do we use the 'using' statement?
  86. Explain ASP.NET MVC request pipeline flow?
  87. What are the different action results in ASP.NET MVC?
  88. What are the different filters in ASP.NET MVC?
  89. Explain the different config files in ASP.NET MVC?
  90. How do you pass data from the controller to view? 
  91. Difference between viewBag and viewData and Tempdata?
  92. How to transfer data between MVC action methods?
  93. Explain the difference between WCF and ASP.NET Web API?
  94. What are the different types of contracts in WCF?
  95. What are the different types of binding in WCF?
  96. Explain different authentication modes in WCF?
  97. Explain Service Versioning in WCF? What to do when contract implementation changes? (refer to Microsoft documentation)
  98. Explain State management techniques in ASP.NET(client and server-side)? 
  99. Difference between Application state and View state?
  100. How to analyze and improve slow websites?
  101. What collection will you use to store key-value pair in C#?
  102. Difference between Server.transfer and Response.redirect?
  103. Difference between '==' and '===' in JS?
  104. What does 'use strict' mean in JS?
  105. What is a bind() function in JS?
  106. Explain what is a callback function in JS and provide a simple example?
  107. What are Javascript Closures in JS?
  108. How to check if a number is an integer in JS?
  109. What are the different scope variables in JS?
  110. Difference between document.ready and window.load in jQuery?
  111. Difference between compiled and Interpreted language in .NET?
  112. What is AJAX in jQuery?
  113. Can we use AJAX without jQUERY language?
  114. Explain a scenario where we would use only vanilla JS instead of client-side Frameworks?
  115. Name the different Data Structures(generic and non-generic) in C#?
  116. Differences between Angular JS and Angular?
  117. Difference between jQuery vs Angular JS?
  118. Difference between Javascript and jQuery?
  119. Difference between Javascript and Typescript?q
  120. Difference between .NET Core and ASP.NET MVC?
  121. Difference between Parse and TryParse in C#?
  122. Different access modifiers in C#? What does protected internal mean?
  123. What are ref and out keywords in C#?
  124. What is a Tuple in C# and how to define and use it?
  125. Difference between IComparable and IEnumerable and IEnumerator and IQueryable?
  126. What is enum used for and how to access the values in C#?
  127. Can you list few exception types in C#?
  128. Can we have multiple catch statements in C#?
  129. What is a nullable bool/int in C#?
  130. Explain covariance and contravariance in delegates, C#?
  131. What is the difference between Func and Action delegates in C#?
  132. Can we have multiple WHERE clause in LINQ?
  133. Explain async/await keywords in C#?
  134. What are Unary Operators in C#?
  135. What is string interpolation in C# and how to achieve this?
  136. Difference between Hashtable and Dictionary collection in C#?
  137. What is HashTable and HashSet in C#?
  138. Difference between HashSet<T> and List<T>?
  139. What are indexers in C#?
  140. Difference between Dispose and Finalize method in C#?
  141. Difference between cookies and cache in ASP.NET?
  142. What is bundling and minification in ASP.NET MVC?
  143. What are Unobtrusive validations in jQuery?
  144. What are HTML helpers in ASP.NET MVC?
  145. Difference between REST and SOAP WEB API services?
  146. Difference between monolithic and microservices architecture?
  147. Explain the MVVM pattern?
  148. Different HTTP Verbs and difference between GET and POST verbs?
  149. Different HTTP Codes?
  150. Explain ASP.NET page life cycle?
  151. Explain the different types of Entity Framework approaches?
  152. Explain Visual Studio code coverage metrics?
  153. When would you use WCF over REST?
  154. What would you do when you have a disagreement with a co-worker?
  155. What makes a good unit test?
  156. What do you look for in a code review?
  157. Difference between C# and Javascript?
  158. Explain Association, Aggregation and Composition?
  159. What is the reason for changing your current job?
  160. Explain MVM, MVP, MVVM design patterns?
  161. What is an agile methodology?
  162. How do you keep up to date with the ever-changing technologies?
  163. Explain an instance where you went above and beyond to perform a task?
  164. Explain a challenging situation at work and how did you handle it?
  165. What is your role as Senior Dev?


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