In PCF we can set up the health check invocation timeout to execute X seconds after the instance has been created. But before that, let's understand the PCF Health Check Lifecycle. Stage 1: The application is deployed to PCF Stage 2: When deploying the app, a health check type is specified and optionally a timeout. If a health check type is not specified, then the monitoring process defaults to a port health check Stage 3: Cloud Controller stages, starts, and runs the application Stage 4: Based on the type specified for the app, Cloud Controller configures a health check that runs periodically for each app instance Stage 5: When Diego starts an app instance, the app health check runs every two seconds until a response indicates that the app instance is healthy or until the health check timeout elapses. The 2-seconds health check interval is not configurable Stage 6: When an app instance becomes healthy, its route is advertised, if applicable. ...